Hajj 2024:NMT inspects Madina Kitchen - Hajj News

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Hajj 2024:NMT inspects Madina Kitchen

Hajj 2024:NMT inspects Madina Kitchen

Hajj 2024:NMT inspects Madina Kitchen

The National Media Team, inspected Al -Andalus kitchen which is one of the kitchens that serves the guests of Allah in Madinah where all their chefs are from Nigeria, to serve the Nigerian pilgrims with the best meal. serving of pilgrims,is a crucial task to ensure that the food being prepared and served is of high quality and meets the standards required for the pilgrims. 

As stated by the head of hygiene and sanitation Alhaji Mahmoud Bashar,The kitchen staff must adhere to strict hygiene and cleanliness protocols to prevent any foodborne illnesses and ensure the well-being of the pilgrims.

The Nigerian Journalists and Alhaji Kabir Abdullahi the Head of feeding and his team, went to inspect the storage areas, cooking facilities, food preparation areas, and overall cleanliness of the kitchen. The Nigerian Hajj Commission also ensure that the food is being prepared and served in a safe and sanitary manner.

It is important for the kitchen to maintain high standards of food safety and hygiene to prevent any health issues among the pilgrims.

The Commission ensures that the kitchen staff plays a vital role in providing nourishing meals to the guests of Allah and ensuring their well-being during their stay in Madinah.

Alhaji Yusuf kana secretary of the feeding committee assured the team that the quality and quantity of the meal served are excellent.

Mariam Zubair Abubakar


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